The officials also sought information about the Chinese participants in the news conference, who are quite likely to face serious criminal charges if they are arrested.
We went back to the commune headquarters to have a splendid lunch (while the poor Chinese participants ate their sandwiches in another building).
Though realism, social or otherwise, is conspicuous by its absence from the show, most of the Chinese participants are figural in one way or another.
In terms of flashbulb memories, Chinese participants were less affected by all factors related to personal closeness and involvement with the event.
Between 1980 and 1986, China hosted 155 international academic conferences, which were attended by 10,000 foreign scholars and 30,000 Chinese participants.
A study looked at color preference in British and Chinese participants.
Chinese participants tended to like colors that they self rated as clean, fresh, and modern, whereas British participants showed no such pattern.
Many of the Chinese participants flew here directly from China to attend the meeting, something that, they all acknowledged, has only recently been allowed.
It gave many of the 200 Chinese participants a chance to question their own leaders in a public way that is ordinarily off-limits.
That's where the Chinese participants came in.