It remains to be seen whether these names will be accepted by the Chinese public.
The crew was introduced to the Chinese public and international media about five hours before the launch.
The Chinese public also believes that as the investigation deepens, the number of confirmed patients who died or were disabled would certainly increase.
Is the Chinese public less interested in the prurient details of public figures?
If the Chinese online public were on the couch, its shrink might suggest it is projecting.
The second stage is by text voting by the Chinese public and it will determine the final four.
Before the 1980s, it was the only official channel for the Chinese public to have a glimpse of the outside world.
Generally speaking, these policies have been well received by the Chinese public.
There is little sympathy by the Chinese public for corrupt officials who get caught up in the system, but also skepticism regarding its effectiveness.
Since its release the song has been extremely popular with the Chinese public.