Western Europe has been important in Chinese foreign trade since the mid-1960s.
The same criticism came from manufacturers' groups critical of Chinese trade and investment barriers.
Since 2000, Chinese trade with Africa has more than tripled, reaching nearly $30 billion in 2004.
The 10 nations, with a combined population of more than 500 million, offer an inviting region for Chinese trade.
Chinese coastal trade started shortly after, and in 1883 a regular service to Australia was initiated.
A new era of Chinese trade began in the industrial era.
"But you opposed Chinese trade and national security interests as well, something that hurt our efforts to grow and become part of the global economy."
The region was involved in the Indian and Chinese trade.
Clinton then sat down for 10 minutes of serious questioning on Chinese trade and human rights, explicating policy with sophistication.
Chinese external trade has increased by an average of 15% per year over the last twenty years.