Against five hearts Chip Martel of Davis, Calif., led the diamond king.
He knew what had happened: Chip Martel, the East player, had made a psychic opening in the hope of creating confusion.
As it was, Chip Martel doubled four spades as West and made the good lead of a small trump.
The winner for 1991-92 was Chip Martel of Davis, Calif., whose tip is easier to state than to apply.
This had worked well, his partner, Chip Martel of Davis, Calif., having five-card support.
The American West, Chip Martel, had to make five discards.
They had to deal with a psychic opening of one spade by Chip Martel, with the East cards.
But was it tactful for Chip Martel to explain this to his wife considering that she might suffer some insomnia as a result.
Chip Martel is a reigning world champion, winning that title in Jamaica six months ago.
On the diagramed deal from the final session, Chip Martel sat South and was doubled in three no-trump.