The University sits along the banks of the Chippewa River (Wisconsin) in the Chippewa Valley.
Chippewa Valley, Mich., $168 million of school building and site bonds.
The population center of the Chippewa Valley is Eau Claire.
Consequently, Arthur McCann became known as the first white man to die at the hands of another white man in the Chippewa Valley.
The majority of Laarks shows are played in and around Wisconsin's Chippewa Valley.
David and Sharon Raihle were able to visualize the restoration and save one of the last boarding houses in the Chippewa Valley.
He said the layoffs would have their greatest impact in Wisconsin's Chippewa Valley, where the company has most of its manufacturing operations.
Before logging, the Chippewa Valley probably held about 46,000,000,000 board feet of lumber.
The first sawmill in the Chippewa Valley was probably functioning at what would become Menomonie around 1831.
He grew up on the shores of Little Lake Wissota and spent most of his life in the Chippewa Valley.