It was produced by The Hypocrites and ran for several months in 2010 at The Chopin Theater in Chicago.
This production subsequently transferred to the Chopin Theatre, Chicago, in October and November 2008, and to Arcola Theatre, London in 2009.
The Wilmette Theatre, March 30, 2007; Chopin Theatre, April 4, 2007.
Since its founding Chopin Theatre's purpose has been to support, present and produce avant-garde theater, literary, film, visual and performance art events.
Chopin Theatre has also produced over 110 of its own productions, mostly Eastern European, and has hosted performers from each American state and from over 40 countries.
The building of the Chopin Theatre was designed in 1918 by M.F. Strunch Architects as a 987 seat theater at 1541-43 W. Division Street.
Performances currently take place at the Chopin Theatre in Wicker Park.
Numerous prominent Polish-American cultural and civic institutions continue, from the Polish Museum of America to the Chopin Theatre and the Society for Arts.
Later dates included August 15 at Chicago's Chopin Theatre.
The production, at Chopin Theatre, ran for four weeks.