Some officials cited traditions of Christian compassion, not only for the victim but also for the perpetrator.
Broome penned the 'First Prospectus of the SPCA' which spoke specifically of the need to extend Christian compassion to the whole world of 'animate beings'.
How can we explain this ascendancy of Christian indifference over Christian compassion?
To the Editor: The bishops of the Anglican Communion had a rare opportunity to teach Christian compassion at the Lambeth Conference (front page, Aug. 6).
True Christian compassion, say the Gospels, should extend to all, even to the extent of loving one's enemies.
They are the voices of Christian compassion, love and justice, and they will, in time, overwhelm the shrill voices of fear, hatred and cynicism.
Danby explained that STL's aim was to show "excellence combined with Christian compassion".
He missed a chance to challenge his evangelical audience and connect with it by pointing out the human contradiction between sectarian doctrine and Christian compassion.
It's his Christian compassion shining through.
Labour won an overwhelming victory by presenting itself as the party of practical Christian compassion, in contrast to the "anti-family" depression-era coalition government.