The anti-Christian ideas of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries led to a complete break with the medieval Christian conception of society and the state.
Besides what has been said, the "movement for the protection of the mother" promoted by it contradicts completely the Christian conception of marriage.
However, the Stoic concept of arete is much nearer to the Christian conception of virtue, which refers to the moral virtues.
Often the latter were not in harmony with the spirit of the rabbinical Midrash and even contained Christian theological conceptions.
The Reformation, therefore, was hugely important because at this point Martin Luther exposed the fallacy of this synthesis, and made clear again the properly Christian agape conception of love.
This Christian and organicist conception testifies of the influence that the Eastern Orthodoxy had on his world-view, but also of his knowledge of Schelling's philosophy of nature.
Although punishments are made part of certain Christian conceptions of the afterlife, the prevalent concept of "eternal damnation" is a tenet of the Christian afterlife.
Defending a Christian conception of the right to life, he was as opposed to the death penalty as he was to voluntary termination of pregnancy.
These characteristics of the God of the Greek philosophers became central to the Christian conception of God, who was considered to be impervious to suffering and change.
Revision is, indeed, needed, and as I have already pleaded, a change of emphasis is also needed, in order to get the grand Christian conception back into the current of reason and progress.