He joined a Christian cult and contributed money to the Black Panther Party and Yippie causes.
Nicholas, it turns out, has a dark past, having been a member of an ecstatic Christian cult that practised sexual freedom.
Could the pagan or Christian cults be demonstrated to be the more correct, judged by practical effects in crops, fish, and health?
Where a Christian cult became associated with a particular town, the likelihood was that the town would expand.
Frank Sandford (1862-1948), the founder and leader of a controversial, apocalyptic Christian cult known as "The Kingdom"
Christian cults are new religious movements which have a Christian background but are considered to be theologically deviant by members of other Christian churches.
New atheism is just a late Christian cult.
In them, the first Christian cults began to be performed and this is today attributed to the depiction of an Orant inside the hypogea.
Early Christian cults of the Virgin changed its name to Rose (of) Mary.
Darkly Noon (Fraser) is a young man who has spent his entire life as a member of an ultraconservative Christian cult.