In Calverley's opinion it was a Christian monument, not an heathen pillar surmounted by a cross.
The 4th century Christianity basilica in Niš is one of the oldest Christian monuments.
Eight early Christian monuments of Ravenna are inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Although she has the same name as a Norse pagan goddess, Þorgerðr, the inscription with its cross is clearly a Christian monument.
In January 1949 an Early Christian monument was unearthed outside the West door of the church.
A wheel head, an early Christian monument, has also been found at the church.
Inside the foundations of the shrines and chapels and other Christian monuments built for us by Indian laborers!
Some are interested solely in inscriptions on churches and Christian monuments.
This stone is the earliest Christian monument in Ireland.
Many are preserved in the catacombs and on various early Christian monuments.