Initially, the station ran Christian programs about six hours a day.
The station runs a wide array of Christian programs ranging from local church services to national political religious features to national radio preachers and teachers.
It showed film, food, advertisements, sports and talk shows as well as conservative Christian programmes.
One Christian program is now offered under the leadership of one pastor.
The books follow some speed bumps encountered by previous Christian weight-loss programs.
Despite the variety of religious podcasts, Christian programs make up by far the largest segment of the category.
There, they created a popular puppet show and produced what is generally described as the first Christian program with a talk-show format.
By 1977, the station was on the air 24 hours a day running Christian programs until 7 a.m.
On Sunday, they ran Christian programs the entire day.
There are 5 groups of extracurricular activities, including studying, services, entertainment, sports and Christian programme.