Like Synesius, Nemesius, and others, he found in Neo-Platonism the philosophical system which best accorded with Christian revelation.
According to Emanuel Swedenborg's Second Coming Christian revelation, hell exists because evil people want it.
However, he never considered himself a philosopher, and criticized philosophers, whom he saw as pagans, for always "falling short of the true and proper wisdom to be found in Christian revelation."
Munnu was versed in scientific knowledge and gave frequent public lectures where Christian revelation was illuminated by the sciences and mathematics.
It is an approach that correlates insights from Christian revelation with the issues raised by existential, psychological, and philosophical analysis.
Where Boccaccio is consistently, and gloriously worldly, Chaucer presents his pagan characters as possessing insights into a Christian revelation that is forever beyond their grasp.
A Pontifical university specifically addresses Christian revelation and disciplines correlative to the evangelical mission of the Church as set out in the apostolic constitution Sapientia christiana.
It stems from the desire to show that dogmatic truths of Christian revelation are ultimately not against reason.
Moreover, many found the Christian revelations in particular to be contradictory and irreconcilable.
Barker nonetheless has Christian revelation in view rather than gnosticism.