A cargo ship loaded with newsprint docked at Beirut harbor in the Christian sector without coming under shell fire.
For the second time this week, fighting broke out today across the line dividing Beirut into Muslim and Christian sectors.
The figure is based on estimates from government departments in both the Muslim and Christian sectors of Beirut.
Shells were falling at the rate of 10 a minute in the Christian sector, plunging the city into fire and smoke, the police said.
The man, who did not want to be identified, said most of the tickets refunded had been bought in East Beirut, the capital's Christian sector.
About 10,000 Syrian troops patrol northern Lebanon, including some predominantly Christian sectors.
Tension has spread in Christian sectors since the murder of the Maronite priest, Msgr.
The Aoun Government in turn charged that leaving Christian sectors without funds was designed to push them to bankruptcy and out of commission.
Beirut has been partitioned into Muslim and Christian sectors for a decade and a half.
No casualties were reported among foreigners in Christian sectors.