Such parties tried to recruit conservative Christian voters to blunt social liberal legislative reforms, but had meagre success in doing so.
They both hear all the talk about the poor, undereducated Christian voter and laugh.
He also made an appeal to conservative Christian primary voters.
Part of his role was to act as an intermediary between the campaign and Christian conservative voters.
But he also talks of building a consensus among secular liberal and conservative Christian voters.
The mailing is the latest evidence of the emphasis Republicans are putting on motivating conservative Christian voters to vote this fall.
Declining to discuss details about his religion also reduced the risk that doctrinal differences will alienate evangelical Christian voters.
Huckabee had previous success with rural and Evangelical Christian voters.
McCain picked Palin because she could deliver all the one issue far right idiot Christian voters.
In a recent fund-raising letter, the coalition asked its members to participate in a poll for Christian voters.