He was pronounced dead a short time later at Christiana Hospital.
On May 11, 2010, Biden was admitted to Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware, for what doctors described as a "mild stroke".
Following this the road heads through more residential and commercial areas, passing to the north of Christiana Hospital.
Her mother retired as a registered nurse specializing in neurological disorders at Christiana Hospital, also in Wilmington.
His father, a pathologist, retired from Christiana Hospital in Newark, Del.
Paramedics rushed Mr. Cohen to Christiana Hospital and he was able to talk to doctors after his arrival.
Ms. Grossberg, about 12 hours after the birth, began bleeding in her dormitory room and was taken to Christiana Hospital.
Later it was decided to close the other two hospitals and replace them with a new one, Christiana Hospital.
Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware, is Delaware's only Level I trauma center.
The road passes to the north of Christiana Hospital and runs through commercial development to an interchange with DE 1/DE 7.