The Chrysler Museum before Hartman-Cox was a truly galling structure.
It is difficult to imagine any other version of the Chrysler Museum functioning better as a public museum than this structure does.
But when the collection was transferred to what is now the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, the forged works had been removed.
Deaccessioned last year by the Chrysler Museum, this rare group was signed with both the factory and modeller's monograms on the side.
In 1971, he moved his collection to Virginia, still operating today as the Chrysler Museum of Art.
Marble replica (1870) at Chrysler Museum of Art.
The Chrysler Museum of Art owns the Tusla series.
The mace was a symbol of royal authority and is currently displayed in the Chrysler Museum of Art.
In 2001, one volume was exhibited at the Chrysler Museum of Art and thereafter went on a national tour.
A replica of this is at the Chrysler Museum of Art.