On Friday, Lee Iacocca, the Chrysler chairman, said he was "wrestling with the union" over pension costs.
Administration officials have expressed concern that the outspokenness of Lee A. Iacocca, the Chrysler chairman, could provoke a diplomatic uproar.
And Lee A. Iacocca, the former Chrysler chairman, recently complained in the press about the company's failure to bring him back as a consultant.
Lee A. Iacocca, the former Chrysler chairman, personified the kind of zestful boosterism it took to keep a struggling automaker alive.
Lee A. Iacocca, former Chrysler chairman, resigned as a director and chairman of the auto maker's executive committee.
More experiences and opinions of the Chrysler chairman.
Lee A. Iacocca, the Chrysler chairman, said he hasn't gone there much in the last five years, but doesn't want to see it shut down.
By mid-December, Robert J. Eaton, the Chrysler chairman, was ready to make peace.
In recent weeks, newspapers have published the names of various G.M. and Ford executives rumored to be potential Chrysler chairmen.
Later, he acknowledged that during the negotiation period, the former Chrysler chairman, Robert Eaton, said he hoped to receive $80 a share and at least $65.