About 3,000 union workers for Cincinnati Bell struck over health benefits early today, leaving management personnel to run operations.
Cincinnati Bell is not a long-distance carrier, she noted.
His father is the president and chief operating officer of Cincinnati Bell.
Cincinnati Bell offers Internet access to customers in its service area.
In 2011, Cincinnati Bell became the first telecommunications company to also provide retail energy service.
Cincinnati Bell said fourth-quarter revenue rose 2 percent, to $305.3 million, and forecast 2006 revenue of $1.2 billion.
Cincinnati Bell, which started running party lines last year, wound up forgiving $428,000 in disputed bills.
In these years, they said, Cincinnati Bell paid them overtime for the wiretapping work.
Her father is the chief operating officer at Cincinnati Bell.
Each note sold for roughly the same price as one share of Cincinnati Bell.
About 3,000 union workers for Cincinnati Bell struck over health benefits early today, leaving management personnel to run operations.
Cincinnati Bell is not a long-distance carrier, she noted.
His father is the president and chief operating officer of Cincinnati Bell.
Cincinnati Bell offers Internet access to customers in its service area.
In 2011, Cincinnati Bell became the first telecommunications company to also provide retail energy service.
Cincinnati Bell said fourth-quarter revenue rose 2 percent, to $305.3 million, and forecast 2006 revenue of $1.2 billion.
Cincinnati Bell, which started running party lines last year, wound up forgiving $428,000 in disputed bills.
In these years, they said, Cincinnati Bell paid them overtime for the wiretapping work.
Her father is the chief operating officer at Cincinnati Bell.
Each note sold for roughly the same price as one share of Cincinnati Bell.