Citibank officials say their ultimate goal is to link the full gamut of retail bank services into an on-line network.
Citibank officials had come to the Marriott in Uniondale to celebrate several promotions.
Citibank officials agreed, saying they expect to see several competitors set up shop here.
A Citibank official said the bank made a profit of about $44.9 million on the deal.
Citibank officials here declined to discuss any aspect of its activities and policies in Argentina.
But Citibank officials said customers were less inhibited with an automated system.
Citibank officials did not return phone calls.
But neither he nor Citibank officials would rule out charging transfer fees once the technology is established.
"This is just to get this situation moving forward again," a Citibank official said.
Citibank officials say they hope to install one talking A.T.M. at each of their 370 locations across the country in the next 16 months.