A Citibank spokesman refused to say whether it ever had been - or could be - done.
A Citibank spokesman, Jack Morris, said late last night that he was unable to locate bank officials who could comment on the matter.
He died after suffering a heart attack while commuting to Manhattan from his home, a Citibank spokesman said.
A Citibank spokesman said yesterday that Ms. Elliott is a vice president in good standing with the bank.
"We haven't seen the papers but we're surprised at the suit," a Citibank spokesman said.
Jack Morris, a Citibank spokesman, said a company investigation began on Feb. 3.
Other banks are less concrete: "We'll be moving in that direction in the next couple of years," a Citibank spokesman said.
Some of the one-story-tall letters are already up and the signs are expected to be completed in about three months, a Citibank spokesman said.
Yesterday, Jack Morris, a Citibank spokesman, said the bank was reconsidering its position, but, so far, has not made any change.
"Nora was seriously considering a job at Chase," the Citibank spokesman said.