He would become a well-respected businessman and lawyer, being awarded Chicago's Most Distinguished Citizen Award" in 1934.
But only after scribbling "The Senior Citizen Award, Nov. 24, 1999" on it in black ink.
Due to this work, the project gave him their Global Citizen Award.
In 2000, the Internationalist Books was awarded the Independent Weekly's Citizen Award for their work as a progressive community organization.
This year's new Global Citizen Award, which went to veteran actor and activist Matthew Modine for his long-term dedication to environmental challenges.
Distinguished Citizen Award from Massillon Washington High School in 2005.
American Teleservices Association's "Outstanding Corporate Citizen Award" in both 2008 and 2009.
Outstanding Citizen Award (2000) - English Teaching Union.
In 1952 he was given the Board of Realtors' First Citizen Award (not typically awarded to one of their own members).
Distinguished Citizen Award, City of San Antonio, 1991.