Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
Bowles also acts as an advisor to Scientology's Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
She is a member of the Church of Scientology and its affiliate Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (affiliated with the Church of Scientology)
The group is called the Citizens Commission to Protect the Truth, after the "Truth" ad campaign sponsored by the foundation.
It removed from the California Legislature the responsibility for drawing the state's congressional districts, and gave the responsibility instead to a 14 member Citizens Commission.
The film is 108 minutes long and is described by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights in this way:
The Church of Scientology and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights have also gained attention as an opponent of the new law.
If worried or concerned then as a useful safeguard contact Citizens Commission on Human Rights, UK chapter.
In 1969, the church created the Citizens Commission on Human rights, which was supposed to expose and eradicate "human rights abuses by psychiatry."