This will be an increasingly common question over the coming months as City bankers launch legal bids to recoup unpaid or cancelled bonuses.
City bankers represent themselves and their monied shareholders.
That's not just City bankers, but professionals, entrepreneurs and business executives.
Nor too can the US be blamed for the celebratory way in which the government of the time trumpeted the interests of City bankers.
The MP, a former City banker, was said to have bluntly told him she could not do so and would be backing the motion.
You think City bankers are about to forfeit their huge bonuses because it's killing the world ecomony?
Lesson number two is that what links the City banker and the looter is the lack of restraint, the absence of boundaries to bad behaviour.
The banking industry still has more appeal than the engineering sector, despite the backlash against City bankers.
Just look where Labour ended up defending the bonuses of the City bankers for God's sake!
Victoria speaks to redundant City bankers and a jailed rioter's mum who wants him freed.