The album is featured in the iTunes music store's new "Indie Classics" series.
As part of their "Cool Classics" series, they have also occasionally performed at indoor venues.
Naxos's American Classics series brings a collection of her chamber music, piano pieces and songs.
The Classics series will be right in there, offering advice and suggestions.
Reprinted in the "Classics in mathematics" series, 2000.
It was released as part of their Algebraic Classics series on 5 February 1995 and is now out of print.
It was reissued into the "Blue Ribbon Classics" series in January 1945.
The Classics series is discontinued and replaced by the Generation 1 series.
Butler-Bowdon is most notable for the 50 Classics series of books, which provide commentaries on key writings in personal development, psychology and philosophy.
It is in the Classics series.