The family soon moved to McClure, Virginia where their parents worked a small farm in the Clinch Mountains.
While crossing over Clinch Mountain, the route crosses into Hancock County.
From this high spot you can see the Clinch Mountains arranged below like sleeping green dinosaurs.
All other transportation crossings, as noted below, require an elevation climb to the top of the Clinch Mountain.
The following crossings of Clinch Mountain can be made, from southwest to northeast:
These families most likely crossed Clinch Mountain through the Little War Gap.
We talked of the Clinch Mountains, the Cumberland Gap country, and folks who'd moved west to hunt for land.
Why, I hadn't done the like since I left that side-hill farm in the Clinch Mountains.
None of our family were drinkers, although I've heard tell that wild Clinch Mountain bunch would tap the jug once in a while.
The valley is the highest in Virginia at around 3,000 feet above sea level and is completely surrounded by Clinch Mountain.