In 1999, Raoult decided to start a new program of genomics and to apply this to clinical microbiology.
She is a professor of clinical microbiology associated with St Thomas' Hospital.
It is published in the current Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
He was a Polish scientist specializing in clinical microbiology and immunology.
I have heard good things about clinical microbiology in the UK - but don't forget you also have the options of industry.
He also served as clinical microbiology and research consultant to hospital clinical laboratories and to industry.
Stefan Ślopek was an outstanding specialist in the field of clinical microbiology and immunology.
In Manual of clinical microbiology, 9th ed.
The cultures taken from a spinal tap take about 72 hours to grow, said Philip Tierno, the director of clinical microbiology and immunology.
Clinical Microbiology: This encompasses five different sciences (units).