And the tax burden on American families is at a record high, having skyrocketed during the Clinton-Gore years.
During the Clinton-Gore years, the federal tax burden alone grew by a staggering 45 percent, from an average of $4,625 per person to about $6,690.
Other Democratic candidates will just say it's time to move on from the Clinton-Gore years.
During the Clinton-Gore years, our oil imports have soared 17 percent while domestic production has decreased 14 percent.
I believe when it is all said and done, America will realize my opponent's campaign is a fitting close to the Clinton-Gore years.
People want the substance of the Clinton-Gore years without the soap opera.
Local fury flared across the Clinton-Gore years.
(Instead, look for subtle denigrations of the Clinton-Gore years and bipartisan overtures.)
The valley has prospered during the Clinton-Gore years, others note, and there seems to be no particular reason for people here to want to change administrations.
And W., with his sunny emptiness and a tax plan that will protect the windfalls reaped in the Clinton-Gore years, is their guy.