All Amazon MP3 purchases are automatically synced to the user's Cloud Drive without counting against the quota, too.
Munster compared that the Amazon's Cloud Drive, which could cost up to $200 a year.
But while the two companies have been working on their efforts, Amazon beat them to the punch today by launching its own cloud music service, called Cloud Drive.
Amazon launched two new services, Cloud Drive and Cloud Player, earlier this week.
Just curious, but what is the difference between Amazon's Cloud Drive and Google's Music Beta services when compared to something like Dropbox?
Upload to Cloud Drive.
Amazon's Cloud Drive, its new US cloud music service, annoyed the music industry when it was announced in May 2011.
But if customers do decide to buy directly from Amazon, their new music will be automatically stored on their Cloud Drive.
As an individual, you can also open a personal account with a cloud storage provider like Dropbox or Amazon (Cloud Drive).