The French had introduced their system of administration and the Code Napoleon in the Palatinate.
As a consequence, the country inherited a dual legal system including parts of the Code Napoleon and the common law.
This in turn was the model and inspiration for the civil law codes that have dominated European systems since the Code Napoleon of 1804.
That in itself would be enough to lift the Code Napoleon above every other code of laws yet framed among civilised men.
In some of these prints the Code Napoleon is introduced as an accessory.
The structure was influenced by the Code Napoleon, including a preamble and introductory general principles.
In the court we use the Code Napoleon.
He did play a key role in drafting the Code Napoléon, but this was a civil law code.
The Code Napoleon of the time called for a drum roll to announce the police commissioner's warning that weapons might be necessary during disturbances.
The old legal system based on common law was replaced by the Code Napoleon.