Nine competing designs for the Coliseum project will be on view through the end of the month in the Coliseum's lobby.
Probably many New Yorkers don't even want to hear about the Coliseum project.
"The Coliseum project is going forward," said Mayor Koch, adding that the developer planned to "go full speed ahead."
No one viewing "City for Sale" could think much of the Coliseum project, whatever form the new design takes.
And the Coliseum project has not been among those discussed by people involved with the bar association hearings.
If the projected shadows from a single building, like the Coliseum project at Columbus Circle, enrage enough people, then modifications are often required.
Officials are culling finalists for the Coliseum project and expected to make a choice in the spring.
The Coliseum project has been widely criticized as having been, in effect, an auction of municipal land to a private developer.
Had Mr. Childs been the original architect, the Coliseum project might well now be under construction.
These conditions include constructing plazas or low-income housing or, in the case of the Coliseum project, making improvements to the adjacent subway station.