My colleague was a Colombian citizen who had dealt with the government for a long time.
To be a senator, a person must be a natural-born Colombian citizen who has attained the age of 30 years at the moment of election.
Senators can be elected by Colombian citizens abroad.
Bosé became an honorary Colombian citizen in 2010.
He told their embassy to be prepared to assist Colombian citizens in Egypt.
It turns out that they're both Colombian citizens with nearly a dozen arrests between them.
Before Escobar gave himself up, the government approved the extradition of Colombian citizens.
In the education environment, the nasa yuwe was oppressed by the dominant culture to achieve the goal to have "Colombian citizens".
He became a Colombian citizen after the United States refused to renew his passport in 1954.
Be aware that any person born in Colombia may be considered a Colombian citizen, even if never documented as such.