State Department officials pushed proposals ranging from trade benefits to temporary refuge for Colombian immigrants to the United States.
Three members of a family of Colombian immigrants were found shot to death in the basement of a house they were renting.
Gomez was born in Los Angeles to Colombian immigrants.
Many Colombian immigrants were imprisoned in Venezuela under deplorable conditions, faced discrimination and endured human rights violations.
Ms. Marin-Molina's parents, both Colombian immigrants, had given her a sense of social justice.
Housing is often identified as one of the main problems facing new Colombian immigrants and asylum seekers to the UK.
Engel's understated stories are told from the perspective of a daughter of Colombian immigrants.
Therefore, increased the number of Colombian illegal immigrants: This immigrants were of 250,000 to 350,000 people in the mid 1970s.
The youth often played soccer and went dancing with friends, many of them Colombian immigrants, they said.
He is the son of Colombian immigrants, who, after decades in this country speak halting English.