Jorge García Usta (January 13, 1960 - December 25, 2005) was a Colombian novelist, poet, essayist and journalist.
Germán Espinosa Villareal (April 30, 1938 - October 17, 2007) was a Colombian novelist, poet and author born and based in Cartagena, Colombia.
A year ago he talked the Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez into visiting his Sundance Institute.
Before, Colombian novelists had usually described such places with anthropological or political earnestness, giving the greatest importance to what seemed most obvious: local customs, the hardship of life and so on.
The writer Tomás Carrasquilla, his friend and the most admired by him Colombian novelist, died.
Héctor Rojas Herazo (August 12, 1920 - April 11, 2002) was a Colombian novelist, poet, journalist and painter.
One Hundred Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Latin America's Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez.
"Many of us believed in the revolution," said Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, a Colombian novelist.
Héctor Abad Faciolince (born 1958) is a Colombian novelist, essayist, journalist, and editor.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Colombian novelist and Nobel laureate, even announced he would never visit this country again.