But local residents, Colombian prosecutors investigating the massacre and human rights groups say there was no combat.
The Colombian prosecutor, Gustavo de Greiff, told a radio station today that his office would consider protecting Escobar family members if they made a request.
Colombian prosecutors linked FARC to the bombing through the participation of, among others, John Freddy Arellan, a squash instructor who died in the bombing.
Colombian prosecutors have already charged Mr. Murillo with the murder of the mayoral candidate, Orlando Benitez, and investigators have tied his forces to dozens of other crimes.
The Colombian general prosecutor charged 101 members of the police and armed forces with human rights violations, suspended 391 and dismissed 97, according to the report.
Mr Chavez said he was captured in the central city of Valencia, while Colombian prosecutors said the arrest was made in the nearby city of Maracay.
In 2009, Colombian prosecutors reported that an estimated 28,000 people have disappeared due to paramilitary and guerrilla groups during the nation's ongoing internal conflict.
Colombian prosecutors contend that Mr. Mauss was a mercenary who profited handsomely from kidnappings.
In March 1999, Colombian prosecutors accused Colonel Lino Sánchez of planning the massacre with Carlos Castaño.
But drug experts say that is not surprising, considering that scores of Colombian prosecutors and judges have been murdered for starting legal proceedings against members of the cocaine cartels.