Colombian rebels ambushed a military convoy near the border with Ecuador late Monday, killing 31 soldiers and wounding 18, officials said today.
See Peru 1998 for details of the transaction, which actually diverted the rifles to Colombian rebels.
Ambrose Light was a brigantine, operated by Colombian rebels.
News reports in Britain, quoting unnamed security officials, said the men traded bomb-making techniques with the Colombian rebels.
A graduate student in ornithology is kidnapped by Colombian rebels, only to become a truer believer than his captors.
(Montesinos, in the meantime, is serving a prison term of 20 years, for bribery and selling arms to Colombian rebels.)
His not-so-tacit support for the Colombian rebels?
Four armed men, working for Colombian rebels, took him to the Colombian border.
When Venezuela played host to a group of Colombian rebels last week, the overture touched off a nasty dispute between the two countries.
In the meantime, officials are trying to influence how Americans view the Colombian rebels.