From the ridge on my Colorado ranch I can look across a bunch of mountains where there are dozens of lost mines.
From there the three easily lead the herd to the Colorado ranch, where they are warmly received by the others.
Maggie was sold for the deed to a Colorado ranch.
At his Colorado ranch, Koch has a collection of military vehicles, including a M42 Duster antiaircraft gun.
Most cases were traced to one Colorado ranch, and elk that had been sold and shipped to other states were also killed for testing.
With the money she had stolen he had intended to buy the Colorado ranch from his father.
Had things been different, the Colorado ranch wouldn't have interested him as anything but a source of capital, just as it was to Rushton.
Mr. Hurtt who has been with the company for 33 years, plans to travel and run his Colorado ranch.
Harman was on a Colorado ranch when he decided to do a comic strip.
In real life on his Colorado ranch, however, Mr. Lauren hangs skulls the old-fashioned way, outdoors, above the door to the cookhouse.