In homes across Kinshasa, television screens lighted up recently with graphic images from a public health special produced by the National Committee to Combat AIDS.
Public Education Pushed Dr. Ryder and a Zairian co-worker, Dr. Ngali, are members of Zaire's newly formed Committee to Combat AIDS.
To the Editor: Re "Cheaper Drugs to Combat AIDS" (editorial, May 15): The AIDS epidemic in Africa needs to be fought in the same way that the AIDS epidemic in poor communities here should be fought.
Like a War for Us' "If there is no vaccine, it will be like a war for us," said Pierre Mpele, secretary of Congo's Committee to Combat AIDS.
LaMbikiza is involved in the Swazi Royal Initiative to Combat AIDS (RICA).
- Pierre Mpele, secretary of Congo's Committee to Combat AIDS.
To the Editor: Re "Cheaper Drugs to Combat AIDS" (editorial, May 15): Even under ideal conditions, administering many of these drugs is complicated and risky.
He is also a fiscal conservative, voting against every piece of the stimulus package and most spending programs throughout his career, such as Auto Industry Financing, Funding to Combat AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis, Housing Bill with Energy Tax Credit Extensions, Medicare Bill, and Public Transportation and Alternative Fuel Grants.
To the Editor: Re "Cheaper Drugs to Combat AIDS" (editorial, May 15): Regarding drug companies' offer to negotiate steep cuts in the price of AIDS drugs for Africa, this humanitarian effort offers too little too late.
"Malawi has emerged as a flagship of the problem and of efforts to fix it," said Dr. Richard Feachem, who heads the Global Fund to Combat AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.