And current Comcast customers are paying for this more than I am.
Robb Topolski, the man who helped unearth Comcast's P2P interference, wants Comcast customers to opt out of the $16 they have coming to them from a class action lawsuit.
Comcast is not running a neutral network right now, and its traffic shaping choices are degrading the broadband service of many a Comcast customer.
Well, so he's not a Comcast customer.
Some Comcast customers may experience severe packet loss, while others may see no packet loss.
As a Comcast customer my connection speed is on par or better then the average speed everywhere but a few small industrialized countries.
As a former Comcast customer I can attest to the fact that their speed boost does greatly skew the results.
The TiVo service will not be available to Comcast customers until the second half of next year.
Microsoft has invested $6 billion in Comcast, the nation's largest cable company, but that has not led to an arrangement to distribute MSN services to Comcast customers.
This is about an ISP charging more money to Level 3 to deliver movies to Comcast customers who have asked for them.