- The Public and Commercial Services Union has 250,000 members in the public sector.
Mark Serwotka, the general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said that targeted, hard hitting, sustained action in specific service areas was likely to follow.
But they are being dragged down by hardliners such as the Public and Commercial Services Union.
And this is from Mark Serwotka, head of the Public and Commercial Services Union.
The majority of Driving Examiners belong to the Public and Commercial Services Union.
Eddie Garner, Manchester branch secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said that most court staff had walked out.
Another union leader, Mark Serwotka of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said that strikes next year were inevitable.
The Public and Commercial Services Union said the strikes are against the government's hiring of two private firms in trials to run call handling.
It is particularly influential in the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS).
Mark Serwotka, the leader of the Public and Commercial Services Union, told the Times: "Strikes are inevitable.