They included a Committee for National Salvation chaired by Shodmon Yusufov, chair of the Democratic Party.
In 2009 Kostakidis served on the National Human Rights Consultation Committee chaired by Frank Brennan.
I hope that the Committee chaired by my right hon. Friend the Member for Westmorland and Lonsdale will put proposals to the House that we can then debate.
In 1910, it created a Committee on Social Reform chaired by Father Peter Dietz.
While I had seen the draft of the report of the Eleventh-Grade Writing Skills Committee chaired by Mr. Berridge with a listing of the members who constituted the committee, I did not intend my letter to be an attack on them.
The awards are administered by an Awards Committee chaired by the President, and are usually presented at the College's two general meetings.
It was unanimously agreed that the Committee on Constitutional Affairs chaired by our esteemed colleague Mr Napolitano, who is not a member of my group, should now draft a report on how we deal with the procedures for waiving immunity.
The Committee presented its report at a March 31, 1912 meeting at the New York Hippodrome, attended by 5200 and chaired by then-future Watch Tower Society president Joseph F. Rutherford.
Nowadays the Committee has a working group on Local Economic Development, chaired and coordinated by the FAMSI (Andalucian Fund of Towns for International Solidarity).