The statue originally stood in India, but was moved to Canada after 1969, when India became a Commonwealth republic.
Politicians such as General Monck tried to ensure a peaceful transition of government from the "Commonwealth" republic back to monarchy.
A former British colony, it gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1960 and became a Commonwealth republic in 1961.
"Russia will defend this principle in its relations with all foreign states, including Commonwealth republics."
Support was also weak in other wealthier Commonwealth realms much stronger in poorer Commonwealth republics.
The latest country to become a Commonwealth republic was Mauritius in 1992.
Many Commonwealth republics were constitutional monarchies for some period after their independence.
Currently, the only former Commonwealth republics are:
Hence Ireland did become a republic since independence and was a member of the Commonwealth but was never a Commonwealth republic.
The bank pays the American exporter directly and then collects the loan over a period of years from the buyer in Russia or another Commonwealth republic.