The compound was the home of the 23-member Communist Politburo that ruled this country until six weeks ago.
On the day Zhu Rongji arrived in Washington representing the Communist Politburo, President Clinton criticized not China's expanding arrests of political and religious dissidents, but American critics of China.
A senior member of the ruling Communist Politburo has made a sharp attack on unofficial political organizations, exhorting party leaders here in the Moldavian capital to battle against "the creation of legal and illegal structures standing in opposition to the party."
How delightful it must be these days to be a member of the Chinese Communist Politburo!
The list includes 8 of the 17 members of the Communist Politburo.
At that time KGB Chairman Vladimir Semichastny and the next KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov reported to the Communist Politburo on the "Anti-Soviet activity of poet Yevtushenko."
Croatian suspicions have been fed this month by a bitter campaign in the Belgrade press, controlled by Mr. Milosevic, against the President of the Communist Politburo, Stipe Suvar, a Croat.
It is, it is - engagement with China's Communist Politburo, not with the Chinese people.
- Vasil Mohorita, a new member of the Czechoslovak Communist Politburo.
Last month they announced plans to bring manslaughter charges against Egon Krenz, the former East German leader, and six others who were members of the Communist Politburo.