Hardly anything has been said about Communist Vietnam's new model of colonialism in Cambodia.
At 18 he escaped forced labor in Communist Vietnam, where he had been involved in a youth gang.
It shares a long eastern border with Communist Vietnam, which until 1987 stationed tens of thousands of troops in Laos.
Communist Vietnam later admitted that it played "a decisive role" in their seizure of power.
All who could, fled to Thailand in the west or the lesser evil of Communist Vietnam to the east.
His words deserve serious consideration by his political superiors, rather than the abuse and punishment that is the dissenter's usual lot in Communist Vietnam.
In Communist Vietnam, demands for more democracy have increasingly circulated underground and peasants have rioted against corruption.
It was designed to harass Communist Vietnam and embarrass its major backer, the Soviet Union.
He was referring to a common antipathy toward Vietnamese who came here on past exchange programs from Communist Vietnam.
Mr. Nha was then made a major general in the army of the unified Communist Vietnam.