And not only among former Communist apparatchiks who have transformed state factories into joint stock companies, but also among young professionals.
We were snookered" by the old Communist apparatchiks, she said.
So far, the main beneficiaries of "privatization," one critic says, are the old Communist apparatchiks.
Another explanation is the growth of the bureaucracy in local governments, which have become havens for displaced Communist apparatchiks and former Soviet bureaucrats.
Our main enemies were not the Communist apparatchiks.
Here is a man who created jobs and wealth while introducing the modern workplace into a country mismanaged by generations of Communist apparatchiks.
They object to state-run industries being run by former Communist apparatchiks.
He wants the West to love him, but he wants to keep the Communist apparatchiks happy.
As a Communist apparatchik, he must side with the party.
Communist apparatchiks then used them to churn out propaganda films between 1948 and 1989.