He is not a Communist ideologue, just an authoritarian who thinks that strong state control is essential for solving human problems.
"The old caricature of a bumbling, almost oafish bunch of blind Communist ideologues is no longer there," one American official said.
He viewed the latter as an international Jewish conspiracy and despised the internationalism promoted by Communist ideologues.
In a fictional Eastern European country, the once-allied anti-Fascist fighters and Communist ideologues are split apart, leading to a Stalinist show trial of one of the country's beloved leaders.
Nicholas I's formula proved so durable that it was adopted by the wily Communist ideologue named Joseph Stalin.
In Katmandu, the Marxist leader Padma Ratna Tuladhar was seen as both a Communist ideologue and a champion of the Newari people, the valley's original inhabitants.
Its primary goal was to root out threats to the Castillo administration by Communist ideologues and supporters.
The Institute for Marxism-Leninism, once the inner sanctum of scholarly privilege for Communist ideologues, has changed its slant along with its name.
Often, Gorbachev sounds more like some traditional statesman than a Communist ideologue stoking the fires of world revolution.
The office was formerly occupied by Communist ideologues - Mikhail A. Suslov, Yuri V. Andropov, for a while Mr. Gorbachev, a fact some consider appropriate.