In the end, many of the Communist opponents were ejected from the hall.
His health is shaky, his popularity and public credibility are in free fall, and his Communist opponents have never been stronger.
Overcoming their political rivalry, the Yeltsin Government and its Communist opponents in Parliament managed to work together to adopt the budget for 1997.
In a three-cornered contest with Conservative and Communist opponents, West was elected with a majority of 3,516 votes.
His Communist opponent, Gennadi A. Zyuganov, did not schedule any.
Not even his Communist opponents talk about it much anymore.
Even his Communist opponents were unable to criticize Mr. Yeltsin very harshly today.
Even so, Communist opponents were still shunned.
Many Democrats hesitated about aid to Angolan rebels because they seemed as bad as their Communist opponents.
And despite their hatred for him, they believed that he offered a better chance of peace than would his Communist opponents.