Howard was here trying to deliver a message much more than to simply add another Conan story to his bibliography.
Of these, the longest and most popular series comprised the Conan stories.
Following Howard's death, the copyright of the Conan stories passed through several hands.
Howard immediately went on to write two more Conan stories.
Howard had written nine Conan stories before the first saw print.
Each Conan story, according to White, increased sales of that issue by 10,000 copies.
Of these, the longest single series comprised the Conan stories, which have also proved the most popular.
In the weeks that followed, Howard once again decided to experiment with his Conan stories.
There is no denying that not all the Conan stories are on the same level as those we have mentioned.
In a little over a year, he had completed twelve Conan stories, selling nine.