He was also a strong force in educating women at a time when that was very radical for Confucian society.
In his Confucian society, unjust suffering is simply extra evidence to support one's claim to a higher morality.
As a tradition in the agrarian and Confucian society, the eldest son stayed behind in the countryside with their parents.
In China the religion was a populist one, which actively sought out those that were marginalized by Confucian society.
Materialism has until recently been virtually unknown in Confucian societies.
Confucian society is patriarchic, at peace with top-down compliance.
It's simply inconceivable that a 28 year old will at all be a credible figure in a Confucian society that reveres age and experience.
In a hierarchical Confucian society, this man with an easy grin was seen as a rule breaker.
His critiques of Confucian society and historical figures are humorous and at times ironic.
While advancing towards equality among men and women, the efforts met resistance in a traditionally Confucian society of male superiority.