In his childhood he showed interest in military affairs, but began to study the Confucian texts.
The demand for Buddhist texts, as well as Confucian texts, grew in the following years.
Though some Confucian texts do suggest a more equal relationship between husband and wife (more on this below).
Beginning at age four, his father taught him Chinese and soon had him reading Confucian texts.
Within Confucian texts, three works comprise the primary teachings of rites.
He also wrote commentary on ancient Daoist and Confucian texts.
Thus, they had to look to Confucian texts to justify their vendetta.
The Korean export included rice, lacquerware, hemp, and Confucian texts.
Here he was taught many of the Confucian texts.
Creation of a modern education system (studying math and science instead of focusing mainly on Confucian texts, etc.)