He indicated that Rwanda would go no further in withdrawing troops or ending support for Congolese rebels who also hold territory until the other side made significant moves.
The Congolese rebels, we need to negotiate with them.
The Congolese rebels did not sign the Lusaka peace accord because they squabbled at the last moment over who would represent one of their groups.
Rwandan-backed Congolese rebels would open talks with President Kabila to create a transitional government leading to free and fair elections.
It is also questionable whether Rwanda has the power to hold Congolese rebels to the agreement.
He has agreed to meet with the Congolese rebels, after vowing never to talk to what he called puppets of Rwanda and Uganda.
Many of the Congolese rebels who are backed by Rwanda are ethnic Tutsi.
The officers oversee the production of rubber and mahogany by slaves, keep the Congolese rebels at bay and shoot monkeys for fun.
The perpetrators of the coup were supported by pro-Kabila troops, who are trying to attack the Congolese rebels from the rear and cut their supply lines.
They pay their hotel bills, while the Palm Beach Hotel here is still trying to collect $75,000 from the Congolese rebels.